Quantum Complexity: A Cryptographic Perspective (CSE 291, 2025 Spring)
Course Information
Location: CSE 4140
Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm
Office Hours: TBD
Grading: Evaluation is based on 3-4 assignments, and a final project (a written report and maybe a presentation).
70% homework (you can replace one homework with scribing a class), 30% final project
Course Description
This is a graduate-level course on quantum complexity and quantum cryptography. Some backgrounds on quantum computing are required, but we may provide some extra preliminary classes on the basis, depending on the enrollment. You can also watch the videos on my previous CSE 190 class for more backgrounds.
In this course, we will focus on quantum complexity that are either based on methods that are from the quantum cryptography community or problems that are interesting to cryptographers. Some examples include QMA amplification and its applications to quantum cryptography, quantum random oracle model and various proof methods, hybrid query complexity, monogamy-of-entanglement and its applications, quantum advantage protocols, minimum cryptographic assumptions.
Scribing signup: Link (Please log in using your UCSD email)
Tentative Schedule
A detailed schedule will be continuously updated each week. An outline of the tentative course materials is below:
Introduction to quantum computing: qubits, gates, unitary, measurement (We may extend this part significantly, if necessary!)
Quantum lower bounds
Famous quantum algorithms: Grover's algorithm and BBBV lower bound
Introduction to quantum random oracle model (QROM); measure-and-reprogram: a lifting lemma
A more refined tool for QROM: compressed oracle
Witness preserving amplification and non-uniform security
Quantum protocols
Proof of quantumness (Yamakawa-Zhandry protocol)
BB84 states and monogamy-of-entanglement
Subspace/coset states and unclonable cryptography
Cryptography without OWFs
Notes for Topic 1 (Background)
Lecture 1 (Jan 7): A crash course on quantum computing (part 1): syllabus, qubits, measurement
Lecture 2 (Jan 9): No class
Lecture 3 (Jan 14): A crash course on quantum computing (part 2): multi-qubit system and hidden matching problem
Lecture 4 (Jan 16): A crash course on quantum computing (part 3): gates and circuits, coherent computation, oracle interrogation
Upperbound Lowerbound for Topic 2 (Grover's algorithm and Basic Lower Bound Techniques)
Lecture 5 (Jan 21): Grover's algorithm and BBBV lower bound
Lecture 6 (Jan 23): Cont'd
Scribing Template: [Overleaf Link]
3-4 assignments will be added. Solutions should be typeset in LaTeX.
Problemset 1: [Link] Due Jan 31.
Final Project
Other Materials
Grad Course (a preliminary version) by myself
Undergrad Course by myself
Course by Dr. Zhandry
Course by Dr. Ananth
Course by Dr. Vidick
Course videos by Dr. O'Donnell
Book by Nielsen and Chuang: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information